Texas Severance Tax


The state of Texas requires all purchasers and producers of Oil and Gas to submit monthly Texas Severance Tax reports. Our Texas Railroad Commission Regulatory team generates monthly reports that are designed specifically to each client’s reporting requirements.

We begin our process with a complete evaluation and review of your lease agreements, marketing contracts, processing arrangements and transportation deductions. This process allows us to generate an accurate and detailed report that is customized for your organization’s needs. We then generate and electronically submit commonly required Texas Severance Taxes reports.


Texas Severance Tax services include but are not limited to:


  • 10-156 Crude Oil Tax Purchaser Report
  • 10-157 Purchaser Report of Natural Gas Tax
  • 10-158 Crude Oil Tax Producer Report
  • 10-159 Producer Report of Natural Gas Tax


Our process also incorporates a review for exemptions that could reduce your Texas Severance Tax liability, if applicable. We navigate your business through known pitfalls and incorrect reporting which results in lower overhead and freeing up our client to focus on their core business. Our review of your production process is key to maximizing and collecting all certified exemptions as well as reducing tax liabilities.


Texas Severance Tax regulations continue to evolve and become more complex, requiring intricate evaluation. Part of what we do at Creel is ensure that your company is in compliance with both new and existing Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) regulations. In the event that your company is subjected to an audit, we can serve as your first line of contact in communicating with state agencies. Our extensive record keeping and regulatory relationships enables us to survey and coordinate the audit process. We also accommodate auditors within our office and provide the best environment for the audit evaluation.